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var clear = function() { suppress = false; }; return function() { if (!suppress) { callback.apply(this, arguments); window.setTimeout(clear, threshold); suppress = true; }; } } }; // Deprecated fix. utilies was renamed because of typo. jQuery.fn.emodal.utilies = jQuery.fn.emodal.utilities; jQuery.fn.emodal.defaults = { meta: { display: { stackable: 0, overlay_disabled: 0, size: 'medium', custom_width: '', custom_width_unit: '%', custom_height: '', custom_height_unit: 'em', custom_height_auto: 1, location: 'center top', position: { top: 100, left: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, fixed: 0 }, animation: { type: 'fade', speed: 350, origin: 'center top' } }, close: { overlay_click: 0, esc_press: 1 } }, container: { active_class: 'active', attr: { class: "emodal" } }, title: { attr: { class: "emodal-title" } }, content: { attr: { class: "emodal-content" } }, close: { close_speed: 0, attr: { class: "emodal-close" } }, overlay: { attr: { id: "emodal-overlay", class: "emodal-overlay" } } }; jQuery.fn.emodal.themes = emodal_themes; 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